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I'm now a Debian Maintainer

As of today (2024-03-12) I’m now a Debian Maintainer (DM). This means that I can now upload certain1 packages to the archives without a sponsor2.

Most of my work has been with the Go and Python teams, and I’m currently working on packaging croc.

I started contributing to Debian during an university course. I started going to the weekly Debian Brasília local group meetings and interacting with its members. Everyone there is super nice and helpful, and my interactions with them were a strong factor in my desire to keep contributing after the course ended.

Most of my sponsored uploads were made by sergiodj, who was very patient when answering my endless, and sometimes stupid, questions. Thank you, Sergio.

Next steps

My main goals right now are:

  1. Keep my packages up-to-date and bug-free.
  2. Package other software that I personally use, such as goimapnotify and localias.
  3. Start interacting more with people from outside the Debian Brasília local group.
  4. Maybe get into Rust packaging.

  1. A Debian Developer (DD) has to grant me upload rights to a package, so I can’t just upload anything willy-nilly. ↩︎

  2. My PGP key is not yet in the Maintainers keyring, so I can’t actually upload right now. This will (hopefully) change in the next few days. ↩︎